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Real estate law

Real Estate Valuation

The valuation of real estate in the Republic of Croatia is regulated by the Real Estate Valuation Act, which was enacted on July 3, 2015, and has been in force since July 25, 2015. The valuation of real estate must be conducted with the diligence of a competent expert, taking into account all available evidence to ensure that the result is sustainable upon verification. Real estate valuation is used in property transactions, determining the value of collateral objects, property insurance, dissolution of co-ownership communities, investment and property value enhancement matters, encumbrance and depreciation issues, land development procedures, urban land consolidation, expropriation, and...

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Obligations of real estate lessors in Croatia

Given the rich tourism industry, which represents 1/5 of Croatia’s GDP, the owners are making the most of their properties by putting them in profitable use by short term rentals to tourists during the season. This article aims to present the methods of registration, taxation and administration for getting the most from the tourist lease. The Law on the hospitality provides simplified requirements for small lessors, who can offer the following domestic hospitality services: rooms, apartments or vacation houses leasing services, with the capacity up to 20 beds; camp leasing services with the capacity up to 10 units, but no more than 30...

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Real estate tax

Croatia, with approximately 3.87 million inhabitants, has over 2.4 million housingunits, including 600,000 unoccupied ones and 231,000 holiday homes. These figuresand the issue of long-term housing availability have prompted the government todraft a new Real Estate Tax Act. The primary aim is to reduce the tax disparitybetween income earned through labor and rental income, as rental income has sofar been taxed more favorably. This act, part of a broader tax reform, focuses onencouraging investment in productive sectors rather than solely in real estate. Thegoal is for this tax to completely replace the holiday home tax. Key changes The first change involves the...

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