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Legal Articles

Croatian employment service – active employment policy measures

The Croatian Employment Service (Hrvatski zavod za zapošljavanje) is a public institution that regulates the labor market in Croatia, providing support to unemployed individuals and employers through counseling, financial assistance, and training programs. Active employment policy measures are introduced at the beginning of each calendar year. For each measure, the Croatian Employment Service determines the following: target groups, the amount of support (which depends on the education level of the subsidized individual), the minimum gross wage, and the duration of the measure Measures catalog for 2025 Employment support and Green/Digital employment support – This support is intended for employers who hire vulnerable groups,...

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Immigration to Croatia

Croatia is positioned centrally in Europe, which means that the majority of Central European countries can be easily reached by car from northwestern Croatia. For example, from Rijeka you can reach by car in 6-8 hours Milan in Italy, Lugano in Switzerland, Munich, Germany, Vienna in Austria, Bratislava in Slovakia, Budapest in Hungary. Also has a very mild climate suitable for life, and a very low rate of street crime. Considering the above mentioned, Croatia has very good preconditions for immigration, especially business people outside the EU who want to create a new business and the vital center of the EU,...

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Real Estate Valuation

The valuation of real estate in the Republic of Croatia is regulated by the Real Estate Valuation Act, which was enacted on July 3, 2015, and has been in force since July 25, 2015. The valuation of real estate must be conducted with the diligence of a competent expert, taking into account all available evidence to ensure that the result is sustainable upon verification. Real estate valuation is used in property transactions, determining the value of collateral objects, property insurance, dissolution of co-ownership communities, investment and property value enhancement matters, encumbrance and depreciation issues, land development procedures, urban land consolidation, expropriation, and...

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Obligations of real estate lessors in Croatia

Given the rich tourism industry, which represents 1/5 of Croatia’s GDP, the owners are making the most of their properties by putting them in profitable use by short term rentals to tourists during the season. This article aims to present the methods of registration, taxation and administration for getting the most from the tourist lease. The Law on the hospitality provides simplified requirements for small lessors, who can offer the following domestic hospitality services: rooms, apartments or vacation houses leasing services, with the capacity up to 20 beds; camp leasing services with the capacity up to 10 units, but no more than 30...

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Real estate tax

Croatia, with approximately 3.87 million inhabitants, has over 2.4 million housingunits, including 600,000 unoccupied ones and 231,000 holiday homes. These figuresand the issue of long-term housing availability have prompted the government todraft a new Real Estate Tax Act. The primary aim is to reduce the tax disparitybetween income earned through labor and rental income, as rental income has sofar been taxed more favorably. This act, part of a broader tax reform, focuses onencouraging investment in productive sectors rather than solely in real estate. Thegoal is for this tax to completely replace the holiday home tax. Key changes The first change involves the...

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New act on building management and maintenance

The new Act on Building Management and Maintenance introduces a range of measures aimed at improving the condition of multi-apartment buildings in Croatia, many of which are poorly maintained, causing numerous problems for co-owners, including financial difficulties. Since the Act on Ownership and Other Real Rights came into force in 1997, there have been no detailed legal regulations for building maintenance. Instead, its rules were supplemented by the Regulation on Building Maintenance, which addressed only some aspects of maintenance. These previous provisions have proven legally inadequate and unsuitable for the complex issues of building management. The new act aims to establish...

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Proposal for amendments to the foreigners act

The draft proposal for amendments to the Foreigners Act was open for public consultation from February 28 to March 14. The purpose of these amendments is, among other things, to align with the new EU Blue Card Directive, which aims to facilitate the arrival of highly skilled labor. Additionally, the goal is to increase the efficiency of employing foreign workers, better regulate employment conditions for foreign workers, protect domestic workers, ensure the return of emigrated Croatian citizens, and secure the necessary workforce for the economy. The planned effective date for the amendments is January 1, 2025. Changes The validity period of residence...

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Digital services of the financial agency (FINA)

Commercial services FINA (Financial Agency) is a Croatian state institution that provides a wide range of services in the fields of finance, accounting, and public services, aiming to improve the business environment and promote economic stability. It was established to ensure transparency and efficiency in the financial sector. FINA also facilitates the digital transformation of businesses through innovative services such as e-Signature, e-Archive, and e-Invoice. These services help entrepreneurs and public institutions comply with regulations, reduce paperwork, and enhance the security of business processes. FINA contributes to the modernization of administrative tasks, enabling faster and more efficient business management while increasing...

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Digital services of the financial agency

Public services FINA (Financial Agency), a Croatian state institution providing services in finance, accounting, and digital business, aims to modernize and improve the business environment. It offers tools such as e-Signature, e-Archive, and e-Invoice, which facilitate compliance with regulations, reduce administrative burdens, and increase business security. In line with digitalization, FINA is developing comprehensive digital public services, which will be discussed further below. Digital services – public services The Register of Annual Financial Statements (RGFI) is a public service that provides access to the financial statements of business entities in the Republic of Croatia. Through this register, annual and consolidated financial statements, audit...

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Creditors with the right of separation in bankruptcy proceedings

We aim to lead in each practice and area of law we work in. Coming from in-depth understanding of the law and the industry, capitalizing on extensive experience, we provide hands-on advice that speaks the language of our client’s business. Whether in aviation, sales and distribution, antitrust, corporate and M&A, finance, employment, energy, IP, litigation, TMT, real estate, or any other area of law, our clients can expect excellence and commitment to their objectives. Ensuring the operational functioning of the organisation, the development of external relations, management of press relations and constant communication with the press....

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